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Ji-Hae Park interview in English on air at 9:00 AM on 8/31(this Saturd…

5,595 2013.09.16 03:58




Jihae Park, Renowned Violinist

Jihae Park was born in Mainz, Germany. She started playing the violin at a young age under the influence of her mother, who was also a violinist.

She completed her master’s degree at Indiana University in the US, followed by Karlsruhe's University of Music in Germany.

The artist has been received numerous awards at many renowned music competitions including German National Competition and Remember Enescu Competition in Romania.

Since 2003, she has been playing with the most historically fine violin known as the Petrus Guarnerius 1735, Venedig in aid of the German Foundation, Deutsche-Stiftung-Musikleben.

In 2011, Ms. Park had a successful debut at Carnegie Hall in New York with her concert titled “Love and Hope Concert".

The violinist has released a total of eight albums, with the latest one entitled, “Baroque in Rock”, which was certified as a ‘Gold Disc’ after selling 5,000 copies.


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