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혜화JHP는 각 사업부문의 최고 전문가들과 제휴 네트워크의 외부 자문을 통해 회사의 전략과 비전을 공유하고, 최고 수준의 아티스트를 우선 확보하여 다양한 공연 기회를 확보하고 최상의 만족도와 서비스를 제공하는 공연과 음반 제작으로 장기적이고 안정적인 수익 구조를 확립하고자 합니다.

[Bloud-Burst.Tv] Ji-Jae Park is a talented and widely-respected violin…

3,093 2014.01.13 11:01




Ji-Jae Park is a talented and widely-respected violin virtuoso.
"Watching the radiant violin prodigy, one would never guess that at one time she had battled depression and found solace in her music. "
              Korean Jo
Photo: Sublimation  Courtesy Suat Özkan
In her quest to for fame, Ji-Hae Park fell into a severe depression until she rediscovered music and her attachment to it.  Today she brings the wonder of the instrument to people everywhere... in hospitals, churches, prisons... as well as major performance centers internationally.
 Video Courtesy TEDTalks
"When I was about to give up, I rediscovered the true power of music"

등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

Total 28건 3 페이지
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열람중  [Bloud-Burst.Tv] Ji-Jae Park is a talented and widely-respected violin virtuoso
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  • 3,094

Ji-Jae Park is a talented and widely-respected violin virtuoso."Watching the radiant violin prodigy, one would never guess that at one time she had ba…
